Thank You
Did you know?
We are a federally registered 501(c)3 organization, which means that when you donate to our school, it is a tax deduction that reduces your taxable income! For every dollar an individual claims as a tax deduction, their taxable income is reduced by a dollar. Based on the calculation of their income bracket, the individual pays a tax on the amount left over after deductions are subtracted. It's a win for everyone!
Tax ID/EIN #82- 1335929
Other easy ways you can help:
Venmo a Donation!
The United School for Autism is a registered charity organization with Venmo! It's easy to donate, just use the QR code below or search for us on Venmo: @TheUnitedSchoolforAutism
Mail a donation:
The United School
9590 E. Shea Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
A donation receipt for tax purposes will be mailed/emailed back to the contact information you provide.
School Tuition Organizations (STO)
The AZ educational Tax Credit allows you to redirect your state income tax into tuition scholarships for students in grades K-12 attending private schools. Arizona taxpayers simply make a contribution to a School Tuition Organization in the name of a specific student or to a private school, such as The United School.
USfA is currently registered with the STO: Arizona Private Education Scholarship Fund (APESF)
Thank you!
All donations are important to us and greatly appreciated!
To pledge a Major Gift or In-Kind Donation, please contact us directly.